Please complete the following for your household:
Sacraments Received: (please check as applicable)
Marital Status: (please check as applicable)
Witnessed By: (please check as applicable)
*If the marriage was not witnessed by a priest, was permission obtained from the Catholic Church for the marriage to take place before a minister, rabbi or justice?
Sacraments Received: (please check as applicable)
Marital Status: (please check as applicable)
Witnessed By: (please check as applicable)
*If the marriage was not witnessed by a priest, was permission obtained from the Catholic Church for the marriage to take place before a minister, rabbi or justice?
Please list the names and information below for each of the MINOR CHILDREN LIVING WITH YOU
If you have adult children or other adults in your household (18+) and they would like to register, please call the Parish Office at 609-695-6089 Ext 101