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Children Singing in a Choir


The church is one of the few places that music is highly appreciated. As people from different backgrounds with a common goal, music is one of the unifying tools that cuts through racial and ethnic barriers. In the bible, references are made throughout on the importance of songs, worships, and praises (all part of the music) in the church. Music in the church may be vocal or instrumental, or a combination of both.


The importance of the music ministry in the church can never be overstated. It enhances our connection to God and is one of the most powerful spiritual tools to bring people in a good mindset through hymns and songs of praises. It opens the eyes of believers to the wonders of our Creator. As Saint Augustine put it, “He who sings prays twice,” further underlines music’s ability to get us closer to God. David in the bible, mostly communicated with God through music. Paul, the Apostle, also highlighted the divine connection ability of music in his various apostolic missions. 


There’re several verses in the bible that attest to God’s instructions to believers concerning music. In Paul’s Gospel to the Colossians in Col 3:16, he wrote, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Something similar is also shown in Ephesians 5:19, which says, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” 

The music ministry exists to teach us of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the sovereignty of God, all that He is capable of doing in our lives, and the promises He has given to us. It makes us understand that no matter what we may be going through at any point in our life, His faithfulness remains. Listening to music rendition in the church is capable of filling us with warmth and love we so desperately crave for as humans.


Worship, which is mostly done through music, has a unique way of unifying people. Irrespective of your race or background, everybody becomes united, and all focus turns to Jesus Christ.


If you have received a musical gift from God whether vocal or instrumental and would like to join the Music Ministry, please contact:


Mr. Thomas Macario 


The Parish of Our Lady of the Angels

21-23 Bayard Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08611, United States

Phone: (609) 695-6089

Fax: 609-695-4376


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